Before You Go Checklist
Use this checklist to help prepare for your departure. Performing these tasks can help you to avoid common problems and protect your home while you’re away. After you leave, we’ll check to make sure they were performed and take care of anything that was missed.
Remove important papers and valuables from home.
Turn off the water main valve.
Turn off hot water heater at breaker or outside power switch.
Turn off/close the gas valve if not needed for essential items such as solar system, generator, etc.
Add 1 cap of Chlorox bleach to toilet bowl water. Then, cover toilet bowls with saran wrap to prevent mold and scum ring.
If you have an inside clean out for your ac drain line, leave distilled white vinegar for us to add monthly.
Purchase damp-rid to help combat high humidity and leave for us to dispense. (One 10.5 oz unscented container for each small room and closet, one 4lb container for each large room and garage, two jumbo refill containers)
Close and lock all windows.
Lock all doors, place locking pin or wooden or pvc baton in sliding doors.
Open all closet doors to encourage airflow throughout your home.
Open washer lid and dryer to prevent mold & mildew.
Disconnect washer, dryer, electronics and small appliances in case of power surge.
Remove perishables from the refrigerator.
Turn off the ice maker.
Replace batteries in smoke detectors.
Replace batteries in AC thermostat (If applicable).
Place vehicles on trickle charger/battery maintainer.
Leave vehicle with 1/2 tank of gas.
Disconnect automatic garage door opener and secure manually.
Bring in outdoor grill, outdoor furniture, hoses, and door mats.
Replace exterior light bulbs.
Shutter home or have contractor on standby in case of a tropical storm or hurricane.
Forward mail to where you will be staying.
Stop newspaper delivery.
Tell a neighbor you will be leaving and Oceanside Home Watch will be checking your home.